What do or don't I know about the Endangered Species Act (ESA)?
I know it's a law that protects animals, and their habitats, that are in danger of extinction. I believe the law only protects habitats that are within the U.S. boundaries. I know at one point bald eagles and grizzly bears were on the list, but I thought they had been removed. I know there has been a lot of controversy recently about adding polar bears to the list. I don't what it takes for an animal to be removed from the list and I don't know what the penalties are for violating this act.
Research Questions
Statement of Purpose, Essential Question, Thesis Statement: They all amount to the same thing – a clear statement outlining your main idea and what you are trying to accomplish.
Not all questions will lead to equally good research. The graphic on this page illustrates a 5-level taxonomy of increasing sophistication in research. The lower levels describe basic research. The highest levels of the taxonomy contain the higher-order questions requiring critical thinking. These questions lead to the creation of new knowledge.
You will want to target your questions at least at the level of compare and contrast, and preferably at the fourth or fifth level.