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Chinese Culture: Introduction

To support the Chinese Culture classes provided by the Chinese Dept.

Welcome to the Chinese Language Resource Guides


Hello, welcome to the OWHL guide especially designed for you!

Quick Links

World News on China (中文)

Effective Ways of Doing Information Research

The four key steps are to : Get Organized; Gather Information; Use the Information; and Reflect. To learn more about the details of a research process, please click Research without Pain.

As always, we are happy to help you and show you more if you simple visit the library or email to the library.  We are here to help you!

Search the OWHL Catalog - Explanation

   Oliver Wendell Holmes Library Catalog


Keyword Searching  
Typically, when you search, you will use keywords.  Simply enter the basic ideas/keywords of your topic in the search box.  The computer will search for books containing those keywords in the title, subjects, and descriptions of the books.  
Subject Searching  
Subject searching is more powerful than keyword searching.  It allows you to use a specific vocabulary to find books in the catalog.  To find a good subject, look at the display page of a book you already like.  Click on the subject link to run a search


From Asian Society

Map of China 中国地图