Includes sources written by professors, scholars, journalists, "smart people", etc.
Authority of information is verified by experts.
Access is free. No one is paying for the content.
Anyone can publish a website. The information included is often not verified by anyone.
Can be searched in a variety of search engines, including Google.
Must examine with a critical eye!
Quick Links
Databases: A to ZThe complete list of databases available to you through the OWHL. To search for History specific databases click the "All Subjects" dropdown and select "History and Social Science."
Library CatalogSearch items at Phillips Academy or broaden your search to include items offered to you by the NOBLE network.
NoodleToolsHelps you stay organized and create citations
This comprehensive collection of primary and reference sources provides direct insight into the social history of societies ranging from the Australian Aborigines all the way to 21st-century China.
The Digital Theatre+ platform gives you 24/7 access to award-winning productions and a wealth of engaging educational materials. Please use your PA credential to sign in.
This database provides millions of articles from over 17,000 scholarly journals and other authoritative sources, including Nature, The Economist and Classical Studies. In addition, it contains hundreds of podcasts and transcripts from NPR, CNN, and the CBC.
This database presents reference articles on the full scope of world history from prehistory through the 1500s, with special topic centers on key civilizations and regions.
An expanding global literary reference work written by over 2000 specialists from universities around the world, and currently provides more than 5100 authoritative profiles of authors, works and literary and historical topics.
This reference database spans 25 different subject areas, bringing together 2 million digitized entries across Oxford University Press’s Dictionaries, Companions, and Encyclopedias.
This database provides access to a comprehensive selection of prestigious humanities and social sciences journals, including Mexican Studies, US Latino & Oral History.
A vast collection of eBooks on all academic topics from scholarly publishers. All books available in eBook Central can also be found through the OWHL's catalog.