Welcome to this guide created especially for you by Ms. Pei, the Instructional Librarian!
The four key steps are to : Get Organized; Gather Information; Use the Information; and Reflect. To learn more about the details of a research process, please click Research without Pain.
As always, we are happy to help you and show you more if you simple visit the library or email to the library. We are here to help you!
Through this project, the students will learn how to do an effective 8-minutes presentation in pair regarding one of the following topics: TBD
World News - Europe presents and distributes news, sports, business and entertainment around Europe.
25 vital words and simple expressions to learn before visiting France
French Language from About.Com
Watch and learn as you find your way around these French dialogues
Do you know that Mrs. Schorr, Andover's retired French Instructor, wrote a book to help your French learning as well:
Tune-up your French : the top ten ways to improve your spoken French