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Japanese 520 AP Japanese Language and Culture: Introduction

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The Assignment from Your Teacher

Students will be expected to comment on the various course materials through papers. Your job is to critique, evaluate and discuss, not merely summarize a film or an article. Present a point/thought/idea in your writings and don’t be afraid of sharing it with the class.

A Friendly Reminder

Research is a process with a lot of steps.  There are no shortcuts if you want to do your best work.  The best way to get your assignment done well and on time is to start early.

Course Description

Like the corresponding college courses, the AP Japanese language and culture course supports students as they develop the productive, receptive, and cultural skills necessary to communicate with native speakers of Japanese. Students' proficiency levels at the end of the course are expected to reach the intermediate-low to intermediate-mid range, as described in the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) Proficiency Guidelines.

Introducing Japan

Map of Japan

News and Info on Japan

World News-Japan presents and distributes news, sport, business and entertainment around the globe.

Or, click the World News in 日本语 .

Japan Country Profile from BBC

Stay tuned.

Do you want to learn about Japanese Garden?

Do you want to learn about Japanese Kanji

Have you read this title: All about Japan: stories of sunrise land told for little folks

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