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Databases: A to Z
The complete list of databases available to you through the OWHL. To search for History specific databases click the "All Subjects" dropdown and select "History and Social Science."
Library Catalog
Search items at Phillips Academy or broaden your search to include items offered to you by the NOBLE network.
Helps you stay organized and create citations
Full Text Finder This link opens in a new window
This resource allows you to search for specific journal titles in the OWHL's collection and see which databases have the full text articles.
Databases vs. Websites
- Paid for by the library. Often very expensive!
- Cannot be searched in Google.
- Includes sources written by professors, scholars, journalists, "smart people", etc.
- Authority of information is verified by experts.
- Access is free. No one is paying for the content.
- Anyone can publish a website. The information included is often not verified by anyone.
- Can be searched in a variety of search engines, including Google.
- Must examine with a critical eye!