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OWHL TEDx_Phillips Academy: Timeline of Work

Timeline of Work

General Timeline of the TEDx Event


 Target Date 



 Meet with TEDx Organizing Committee and select theme for the TEDx event 


 Announcement and application go out  

 10/18/24  (NEW DATE) 

 TEDx Open House 1:30-2:30 PM (Freeman Room, Library) 


 Applications due by 10:00 PM (no exceptions) 


 Review candidates and select speakers  


 Notify candidates, meet with accepted TEDx presenters, and parent consent form signatures 


 Workshops, meetings, prepping (more information once accepted) 


 Final presentation due   


 Final week of practice and a full-dress rehearsals on 2/12/25 (Group 1) OR 2/13/25 (Group 2) 


 TEDx Event 


Subject Guide