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HSS 505 - Comparative Government: Secondary Sources: Popular Press & Websites

Consider Popular Press

Seek out independent organizations (International Monetary Fund, Brookings Institute, etc.) and popular press (The Atlantic, Newsweek, blogs, etc.).

Independent organizations (non-profits, think tanks, international co-operations) usually have a mission statement or a set of specific goals. They can promote political or economic stability, serve as watchdog groups, provide aid, or recommend policies based on research.

Popular press is "popular" because people like it and it's accessible to the general population. Journalists and writers often cover contemporary issues, or will build stories based on scholarly journals and published data. Here are a couple tips to keep in mind when using sources like this:

• Consider the bias. Bias isn't always bad, but it's always worth keeping in mind. Find the "About Us" section or Google the author. What are the goals of the organization? What perspective is the author writing from and who do they interview?

• Look for data. In addition to articles, organizations often produce data and statistics. Use that data to support your own arguments.

Places to Start: Popular Press

The following database contains articles from a variety of popular press and scholarly journals. It's a good "one-stop-shop."

Independent Organizations