Since most of your research will be done off-campus, accessing any of the OWHL's online resources and databases is still possible, however, the system acts a little differently. Whenever prompted use your 7-digit, Student ID number (on the back of your blue card) for your library card number, and use the last four digits of that same ID number for your PIN.
User ID: 1234567
Password: 4567
It is important to start your research early. Identifying resources takes time. If you need an item that we do not own, or have access to, let us know as soon as possible, and I will make every effort to provide access.
In addition, remember to continuously reference your Sustainability Scholars contract as it contains a comprehensive list of what is expected of you throughout the entire process.
You should meet with one of us (Mr. Curtis or Ms. Goss) at least one (1) time before the end of Spring Term. It is best to meet with us after you have met with your adviser, at least once, and if necessary, Ms. Guerette, so you will have a better idea of what resources we need to look for together.
Below is the timeline for the Scholar timeline. Remember it is set up to help you succeed!