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Berlin: The Architecture of Memory: Reserves and Books

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A friendly reminder

  • Outside of class, the books on Reserve live on a cart that is located behind the Welcome desk. Please ask the person at the desk to browse the materials.
  • You can take 2 books at a time for 2 hours. They MUST be checked out.
  • You must have your ID to check out Reserves.
  • If you keep a Reserve item out for longer than 2 hours, or fail to check it out, you may face disciplinary action.
  • Fines are $1.00 per hour for every hour a Reserve item is late.
  • Reserve items must remain in the library at all times.
  • All books from the stacks can be checked out for 3 weeks and may leave the library.

Reserves (Print and Electronic)

Click on the link below to see what is on reserve for this course.

Instructional Librarian & E-Resources Manager