Reference books should only be used for an overview, and not as one of your major sources. Because reference book articles are short, you are not going to find the level of detail required to write a successful paper.
Circulating books offers more specific information on one major subject with lots of details in its further subdivision. You may also find lots of supporting materials via facts, personal experience or survey as well as possible some statistics. It takes you to a deeper level of research.
Reference books are located in the Garver Room (silent study room).
Circulating books are located in the stacks.
Q. Dear librarian,
What does C951 M12YI mean and and where can I find it?
A. The prefix "C" means that this item is in Chinese language. You can find it in the regular stacks for all books in the range of 951.
Q. I am researching on 成吉思汗 via the library's catalog, but I couldn't find any info about him. Can you help me?
A. You can find lots of info about 成吉思汗 from both prited and e-resources at the library. Be aware that there are different way sof spelling his name, e.g. Chiggis Khan, or Genghis Kha.
Q. Ch'ing Dynasty or Qing Dynasty?
A. Qing Dynasty is a better term. However, you may try both when doing a keyword search.
Q. Does Chinse "Boxer Uprising" and Chinese "Boxer Rebellion" mean the same thing?
A. Yes. You may even use the database Ancient and Medieval History Online to find info on this event. Further more, you may get some international perspectives on the Boxer Rebellion.
For more questions, please stop by the Help Desk to talk to Ms. Pei.
Ms. Pei