Reference books should only be used for an overview, and not as one of your major sources. Because reference book articles are short, you are not going to find the level of detail required to write a successful paper.
Circulating books offers more specific information on one major subject with lots of details in its further subdivision. You may also find lots of supporting materials via facts, personal experience or survey as well as possible some statistics. It takes you to a deeper level of research.
Reference books are located in the Garver Room (silent study room).
Circulating books are located in the stacks.
Ten Secrets For Using PowerPoint Effectively
Best of luck on your project!
You may also explore OWHL's collection via NOBLE's EverGreen Catalog to get books by the following subjects or titles as below:
French education: fifty years later
French literature History and criticism
French literature Study and teaching France
Popular culture France 20th century
Education in a single Europe [electronic resource]
French education : fifty years later
Focus on French as a foreign language [electronic resource] : multidisciplinary approaches
Note: We welcome your participation. To make a recommendation to this list, please contact Ms. Pei via her email or visit OWHL's website to Suggest New Materails. Thanks!