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OWHL Scholars Program 2024-2025: Topic Ideas & Final Product



All accepted OWHL Scholars will have five components to their research project:

  • an annotated bibliography; 
  • a final product proposal; 
  • a final product; a five-page reflective essay;
  • and a presentation (please see the Timeline tab for more information).

Your final product can be in many different formats and we encourage you to be creative with your project! Scholarly work does not just have to be a paper!

Below are some sample topic ideas and final products to help get you started! If you have questions, please contact the Program Director at 


The OWHL Scholars Selection Committee is looking forward to reading a wide range of proposals that take an interdisciplinary approach to using the OWHL’s collections and resources. You should think big and creatively about your project. Below are just some suggestions to help you start brainstorming, but no topic is off limits! 

  • Take your project to the next level and build upon a recent paper, research project, or topic you explored in a previous course. Your final product could be a scholarly paper on this topic OR a podcast series, a children's book, a mini-documentary, an art exhibit, and more. Want to explore this idea more? Reach out to Ms. Torres Hoven!

  • Continue and further the work of the Committee on Challenging Histories using primary sources in the Archives; topics may include exploration of Andover’s complicated history with slavery, indigenous land, race, and/or religion, or other topics in school history and how to better educate the school about our history. Your final product could be an exhibit, a website, an oral history project, a research paper, and more. Want to explore this idea more? Reach out to Dr. Roberts!

  • The Archives and Special Collections has an extensive Map Collection! If you are interested in GIS and geospatial data, there is a project waiting for you! Not familiar with maps? Take a closer look at the other collections in our Archives and design a project around one of them! Want to explore this idea more? Reach out to Ms. Collins our Geographer-at-Large!

Don't see a topic listed that you are interested in? The OWHL team can support you! Want to workshop ideas around science, artificial intelligence, dance, politics, and more? Reach out to Mr. BlakeMr. Curtis, Ms. Goss, and M. Wallis! We are here for you!


Coming soon! All topics will be posted after this year's cohort presents at the OWHL Scholar's Symposium on May 17, 2024! Come see the presentations live at the OWHL starting at 4:00 PM!