When you begin any project, look for ways that you can narrow your topic and get more specific. This will help both your research and writing. The Research Triangle below offers a pathway to help you get more specific, no matter where you are beginning the research process.
Begin your research by getting some background on your topic. The following databases will provide you with both reference source material and more specific information. Start get an idea about broader, narrower, and related terms, and ways in which you will organize your thoughts.
As you advance in your research, you will want to incorporate more scholarly sources. The following databases will provide education-centric or peer-reviewed journal articles written by scientists, historians, researchers, and many other professionals.
As you continue your research, you may wish to include popular press resources. These articles are not written for scholars or specialists, but rather for the general public. It is important to consider how a topic is discussed outside of academic communities, and examining popular press can give you that perspective.