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Chinese Geography & Its People: Electronic Resources

Databases vs. Websites


  • Research done by professors, scholars, and journalists, etc.
  • Authority of information is verified by experts.
  • Paid for by the library.  Often very expensive!
  • Cannot be searched in Google.
  • Reliable and trustworthy!


  • Anyone can publish a website. 
  • The information included is often NOT verified by anyone.
  • Access is free.  No one is paying for the content.
  • Can be searched in a variety of search engines, including Google.
  • Must examine with a critical eye!

Recommended Electronic Databases

For your selected culture and history topics, you may start with the following online sources.  They are the paid databases via the library and are very reliable and up-to-day sources.

Multimedia 多媒体

The following titles are also recommended and worthwhile viewing and listening to.

Chinese Culture in Google Video to watch and to listen to.

Chinese Food on Google

Chinese Heritage and beyond

China Martial Art Tai Ji in Google Video  OWHLGuide to various sources on Song Dynasty's history.

China Music to retrieve all Chinese music.

Dictionary of food [electronic resource] : international food and cooking terms from A to Z


What is a PIN Number?

When accessing any of our online resources (eBooks, databases, etc.) from off campus, you will be prompted to enter your library username/library and a PIN.

Your library username is your student ID number on the back of your Blue Card. The PIN is a unique, 4-digit number created for you upon request at the Circulation Desk here at the OWHL.

You MUST have a PIN number in order to access any online library resources from off campus. To obtain a PIN, simply bring your Blue Card to the Circulation Desk.