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HSS 495 Final Research Paper: Background Info

Reference Sources

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News Sources

Newspaper Databases

Online News Sources

Tips & Tricks

  • Remember that reference sources are large, broad summaries of a topic. There probably won't be a reference source devoted entirely to the specific controversy you're researching. Instead, search for reference sources that cover the controversy's larger context (e.g. "history of sports," "race and racism," etc.)
    • You can get more specific when searching Reference Universe or an online reference source like Credo Reference or the Gale in Context databases.
  • Newspaper coverage of college mascot or building commemoration controversies are great sources to provide background and contextual information (key stakeholders, brief histories, relevant administrators, and more).
    • Not all mascot or building name disputes make national coverage, so LOOK LOCAL. If possible find local news coverage by searching Google News or search for articles in your specific college/university's campus newspaper.
  • If you're using NoodleTool to cite a reference source, select the following:
    • "Where is it"? --> Database, "What is it" -->  Reference Source