All of the information from this page is directly from TEDx and is linked in our About section. We only included the information from TEDx here for ease. The citation is below.
“What is a TEDx Talk?” TED: Ideas Worth Spreading. TED. Access date: January 9, 2024.
A TEDx Talk is a showcase for speakers presenting great, well-formed ideas in under 18 minutes.
This short talk model works, since it only demands the audience's attention for a short period of time, decreasing the chance of minds wandering or daydreaming about lunch. In fact, some of our greatest TED Talks have been as short as 5 minutes long!
It can actually be one of two things:
In other words, an idea isn’t just a story or a list of facts. A good idea takes certain evidence or observations and draws a larger conclusion.
“What is a TEDx Talk?” TED: Ideas Worth Spreading. TED. Access date: January 9, 2024.
The talks that make one or two very strong points, and it’s important. Examples: Bryan Stevenson, Onora O'Neill, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
An onstage look at some clever new invention that the speaker was a part of creating. Examples: Tan Le, Markus Fischer, Raffaello D'Andrea
Music, dance, magic, puppetry, or some other performance to captivate your audience. Examples: Usman Riaz + Preston Reed, Arthur Benjamin, Pilobolus
In these talks, artists showcase their art and explain the meaning and process behind what they create. Examples: Raghava KK, Liu Bolin, Aparna Rao
These talks are mainly about the amazement of science and discovery. Examples: Yoav Medan, Marcus Byrne, Janna Levin
These talks are not about one big, world-changing idea, but instead a very engaging take on an interesting topic. Examples: Mary Roach, Joe Smith, Charlie Todd
These talks expose your audience to an issue that they may not otherwise know much about. Examples: Rodrigo Canales, Lawrence Lessig, Rose George
“What is a TEDx Talk?” TED: Ideas Worth Spreading. TED. Access date: January 9, 2024.