Infobase African American History OnlineThis link opens in a new windowThis source features thousands of reference articles, covering the entire spectrum of African-American history over the past 500 years. Some primary sources may also be found here.
Oxford African American Studies CenterThis link opens in a new windowThis comprehensive collection of scholarship focuses on the lives and events which have shaped African American and African history and culture. It includes reference articles, biographies, and primary sources.
Infobase American HistoryThis link opens in a new windowThis source features thousands of reference articles on American political, military, social, and cultural history over the past 500 years. Some primary sources may also be found here.
Infobase American Indian HistoryThis link opens in a new windowThis source provides reference articles on over 15,000 years of Native American culture and history, and includes biographies, legends, treaties, and more. Some primary sources are included.
Gale in Context: BiographyThis link opens in a new windowThis database provides biographical reference articles on more than 650,000 international figures from all times periods and areas of study. It will also link you to relevant popular and scholarly press articles.
Britannica AcademicThis link opens in a new windowReference articles from one of the oldest and most trusted reference sources in the world.
Bloomsbury - Daily Life Through History (Academic Edition)This link opens in a new windowThis comprehensive collection of primary and reference sources provides direct insight into the social history of societies ranging from the Australian Aborigines all the way to 21st-century China.
Infobase Issues & Controversies in HistoryThis link opens in a new windowThis database use primary sources to analyze great conflicts in U.S. and World along with in-depth secondary source articles on historical events. It also provides each issue with its background information and its pro/con arguments.
Reference UniverseThis link opens in a new windowReference Universe searches the indices of reference works at the Garver Room. It provides researchers with the most reliable introductions to your research topic, simplifying the process of finding just the right book or journal article.
Gale in Context: U.S. HistoryThis link opens in a new windowThis database provides reference and secondary source information on hundreds of the most significant people, events and topics in U.S. History.
Ad*Access"funded by the Duke Endowment "Library 2000" Fund, presents images and database information for over 7,000 advertisements printed in U.S. and Canadian newspapers and magazines between 1911 and 1955. Ad*Access concentrates on five main subject areas: Radio, Television, Transportation, Beauty and Hygiene, and World War II, providing a coherent view of a number of major campaigns and companies through images preserved in one particular advertising collection available at Duke University."
CIA Freedom of Information Act Electronic Reading RoomThe CIA has established this site to provide the public with an overview of access to CIA information, including electronic access to previously released documents.
Civil Rights Litigation Clearing HouseWashington University in St. Louis has created a new database of materials related to civil rights courts cases, including settlements, court orders, opinions, and case study research. The cases are divided into categories including child welfare, immigration, election/voting rights, public housing, and school desegregation.
Civil War WashingtonCivil War Washington examines the U.S. national capital from multiple perspectives as a case study of social, political, cultural, and medical/scientific transitions provoked or accelerated by the Civil War.
History MattersHistory Matters is a highly regarded gateway to web resources as well as a repository of unique teaching materials, first-person primary documents, and guides to analyzing historical evidence for high school and college students and teachers of American history.
Opinion ArchivesContains citation and abstract information for many of the leading opinion journals. For full text access, check with a librarian or use the Journal finding tool.
Oyezcontains media files and short summaries from supreme court cases.
Presidents of the United States: Resource GuidesThe digital collections of the Library of Congress contain a large selection of primary source materials associated with the presidents of the United States, including manuscripts, letters, broadsides, government documents, prints, photographs, sheet music, sound recordings, and films.
The items from the Haymarket Affair Digital Collection make up the surviving historical evidence about the incident and subsequent events surrounding it. Some of the items are well identified and documented; for others only minimal information is available.
The nation’s leading trade unionist in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, Samuel Gompers was president of the American Federation of Labor from 1886 until he died in 1924
This database contains over 1,100 periodicals that first began publishing between 1740 and 1940, including special interest and general magazines, literary and professional journals, children’s and women’s magazines, and many other historically-significant periodicals.
This database provides access to more than 2,000 primary sources plus 700 multimedia elements from all aspects of American history from 1493-2009.
It includes speeches, memoirs, poems, historical accounts, and more.
Search across 19th Century US Newspapers, Liberty Magazine Historical Archives (1924-50), Smithsonian Collections, The Illustrated London News Historical Archive (1842-2003) and The Times Digital Archive (1785-2009).
Search and read full text articles from 28 historical newspapers
• The Atlanta Constitution (1868-1984)
• Atlanta Daily World (1931-2003)
• The Baltimore Afro-American (1893-1988)
• The Baltimore Sun (1837-1987)
• The Boston Globe (1872-1984)
• Chicago Defender (1909-1975)
• Chicago Tribune (1849-1992)
• The Christian Science Monitor (1908-2003)
• Cleveland Call and Post (1934-1991)
• Detroit Free Press (1831-1922)
• The Guardian and The Observer (1791-2003)
• Hartford Courant (1764-1990)
• Indianapolis Star (1903-1922)
• The Irish Times and The Weekly Irish Times (1859-2015)
• Los Angeles Sentinel (1934-2005)
• Los Angeles Times (1881-1989)
• New York Amsterdam News (1922-1993)
• New York Times (1851-2014)
• New York Tribune (1841-1922)
• Norfolk Journal and Guide (1916-2003)
• Philadelphia Tribune (1912-2001)
• Pittsburgh Courier (1911-2002)
• San Francisco Chronicle (1865-1922)
• The Scotsman (1817-1950)
• The St. Louis Post Dispatch (1874-1922)
• The Times of India (1838-2007)
• The Wall Street Journal (1889-1999)
• The Washington Post (1877-1999)
Established July 6, 1865, The Nation offers a 135-year archive of reporting opinion and criticism. It is an immensely important clearinghouse of primary source material covering the history of politics, culture, books and the arts – in America and around the world.