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History 300: A Guide to Research: Personalities from Early America through the Civil War

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Reference Sources

Reference Databases

Secondary Sources

Website Sources

Google can also be very useful for biographical information. However, it is important to Google WISELY. Remember the ABCs of website evaluation: authority, bias, and currency. If you are not sure if a website is legitimate or cite-able, just ask a librarian!

Did your person create or found an organization? Perhaps that organization has a page dedicated to that person and their history.

Museums can also be great places to go, even if your focus is not on art or an artist. Consider the following: 

Selected Databases for Biographical Research

Use these databases to locate general information about people that encountered a specific event and/or a specific person.

Primary Sources

Primary Source Websites

Finding Primary Sources in Databases

ALWAYS use the date range feature when searching for primary source newspaper articles.  An article is only a primary source if it was published at the time in which an event took place.